Task: impose 4 kinds of duplex business cards 90 x 50 mm to SRA3 sheet (320 x 450 mm). Cards will be printed in various quantity (pages 1 and 2: 50 pieces (or multiple), pages 3 and 4: 100 pieces (or multiple).
Source file: 4_duplex_cards_90x50mm.pdf
Imposed file: 4_duplex_cards_90x50mm(50_50_100_100)_SRA3.pdf
Task: impose 4 kinds of duplex business cards 90 x 50 mm to SRA3 sheet (320 x 450 mm). Cards will be printed in various quantity (pages 1 and 2: 50 pieces (or multiple), page 3: 100 pieces (or multiple) and page 4: 100 pieces (or multiple).
Source file: 4_duplex_cards_90x50mm.pdf
Imposed file: 4_duplex_cards_90x50mm(50_50_100_200)_SRA3.pdf